As Featured on WCVB Channel 5 Boston Chronicle
Dr. Dave sat down with Anthony Everett to talk all things pinball restoration, and of course George and the Podcast join in on the fun. Special thanks to WCVB TV Channel 5 for the showcase. Airdate: 2020 Check it out!
Listen wherever you get your podcasts
- #124 Captain Fantastic - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Elton John’s 1976 Bally Captain Fantastic. Listener letters and news. Captain Fantastic review and play. Dave’s stories from the field. Bonus feature: If you want it, you can have it.
- #123 - I saw the light - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Chimes. Targets. Bulbs. Bulk repairs. Buck Rogers revisited. Rectifiers. Stats. Thumb. Nip it. Next months game.Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #122 Nineball - The Classic Pinball Podcast
We begin with a couple of items from Australia submitted by our friend Grant. Review and gameplay of Sterns 1980 pinball Nineball. Dave has his list. Lots of additional classic Sterns discussed. Quick take and gameplay on Buck Rogers. Merry Christmas. TheClassicPinball podcast1@gmail.com
- #121 Taxi - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Taxi review. Tony the customer arrives to pick up game. Taxi gameplay. Corrections and clarifications. Old and new business. Puck bowlers again. Playfields for sale. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #120.1 Dolly Parton - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dolly Parton. White Rose review. Game prices. Ringer. What’s up Doc? Strike Master. Thanks Vic. Alice.SORRY. Gameplay from recording was inadvertently left out. Start 16:45. End 31:00 for those listeners who tuned in day one.
- #119 Island Pinball - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave visits Martha’s Vineyard for several pinball repairs. One home collection of 12 DMD games is serviced. KISS. Spider-Man. Super Nova. Dark Rider. Dolly Parton. White Rose show. Upcoming episodes.
- #118 Haggmess - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Haggis. World Poker Tour. Nugent. Godzilla. Bonus Feature: Shango Axe.
- #117 Embryon - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode the boys discuss and play Embryon. Commentary on John Wick and Blues Brothers. Bonus feature: Embryon from the archives (2019)
- #116 Pinfest 24 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Better late than never. Highlights from PINFEST. Interview with Pinfest promoter Ivan. Listeners chime in about Pintastic episode. Another Centaur story. Counterforce, Air Aces, 50/50 and more. Bonus feature: Mark from Pinnovators.
- #115 Pintastic 24 review
Eric Stone Jaws. Elton John gameplay. Fire Drill. The bands. Pinball Tycoon interview. Brian Hawkins T2. The games. The Grand Finale. Bonus feature: Dave and Eric. 1 on 1.
- #114 Pintastic 24 preview - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Old news. Primus. Dominoes. Stone Jaws. Home brews. Craft brews. Pinbrewfest with Keith Campanelli. What’s up doc? Pintastic preview.
- #113 Bram Stokers Dracula - The Classic Pinball Podcast
PJ. BSD. Highwayman. Quick discussion Pintastic. Liability and Responsibility of Pinball Techs. What’s up Doc? Pickers and pick-ups: Centaur, Spirit of 76, Grand Prix. BSD gameplay. Mailcall. Bonus feature: Pinball Saturday night.
- #112 Spirit of 76 Grand Prix - The Classic Pinball Podcast
We have a double feature. Dave takes us through his latest restoration with Gottlieb Spirit of 76. But before we get there we have a variety of pinball topics to discuss. Grants Christmas present revealed. Bally sound boards. Oyster trip. Whats up Doc? We get to a second game, Williams Grand Prix. Surprise call and discussion about Glimmerhold Arcade. Bonus feature: calling Dr. Dave.
- #111 December - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Mirco. R U A Performer? Looney Tunes. The Crusher. Animation Cells. What’s up Doc? Nick Dangerous. Crickets. Bill Burr. Happy New Year. A December to remember.
- #110 Disorder in the house - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This is the episode that almost wasn’t. Dave and George talk about a variety of pinball topics. What’s up doc? Centaur rears it’s ugly head yet again. The guys record an additional segment to explain recording issues and new adventures. No bell? WTF? Bonus feature: Dave interviews Jon Jolly. Jon owns an oyster business, a couple of pins, and is a reggae musician. Something a little different. Enjoy!
- #109 Night Rider - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The boys get back to business and do a review of Bally Night Rider. Several listener emails. What’s up doc? Bonus feature: Maltese Brewing. The Houston Arcade and Pinball Expo interview with founder Keith Christensen
- #108 Pintastic 2023 debrief - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys do an impromptu recording in the media room at Pintastic and you never know who will show up. TANKS for the memories. Interview with Brian Hawkins on his award winning em Wizard. Winners, we have winners. Then an off the rails conversation with world champ Eric Stone. A quick hit with Steve Zahler and then a post show wrap up. Plus….Bonus Feature post tournament wrap up between Dave and Eric Stone. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #107 Pintastic 2023 Preview - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave starts by telling us about the 30 pinball machines he has serviced in the last 5 weeks. George then leads the discussion reviewing all the games to date that will be in the free play area of the Pintastic show. There once was a game from Nantucket…….Several emails and some additional show items are talked about.
- #106 Centaur re-examined. - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Does it ever go away? Dave talks about John Day taking in Dave’s customers Centaur to fix 2 remaining issues. What’s up Doc? Dave gets emails, George gets crickets. Pascal. John Jolly. Road trips. Part 2: Centaur fix with John Day. Centaur revisited discussion. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #105 Black Hole. Make mine Day - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George welcome John Day to the show. If you like stories and pinballs with a twist you will love this podcast. John invited us to his home to talk about his collection. This is no normal collection when you hear the things he’s done to his games. The guys read some mail and pin happenings. Then its time to play some Black Hole. John takes us to play some unique games in his basement including EM/solid state Target Alpha. Rackem up! Bonus Feature: Highlights from Dave’s Memorial Day party and tournament.
- #104 Allentown Pinfest 2023 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave tells George all about his adventures while attending Allentown Pinfest and bringing a Gottlieb Pinball Pool for the tournament. Dave interviews Eric Stone. Dave puts up the Pinball Pool so George can play it as set up for the tournament. Bonus feature: Nicks amazing EM collection. George’s Franchi rant!
- #103 Hollywood Dave - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave had an interesting phone call from Hollywood. He is on a road trip fixing pins. He is everywhere! What’s up Doc? Is Dave Hollywood bound? Recorded in early April just before the Keith Elwin interview. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #102 Keith Elwin - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George interview Keith Elwin about classic pinball.
- #101 Pinball and Beer - The Classic Pinball Podcast
We tried it once, here’s #2: Long form podcast. The show goes from Pinball in Virginia to an upcoming show in Ohio. Dave starts with his travels and travails in What’s up doc? Centaur finally! Pintastic. Pinfest. Lost Rhino Brewery and pinball. Ocelot brewery and pinball. Pinbrewfest with Keith Campanelli. A Tarantino story. Bonus feature: Centaur gameplay and repair. Bonus bonus feature: Oysters and pinball. Jolyoyster.com Lostrhino.com Pinbrewfest.com Theclassicpinballpodcast1.com
- #100 Under Pressure - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Rush has left the building. Lethal Weapon 3 flipper fiasco. Centaur switched illumination fix. Project games for sale. Star Trek Next Gen. Whitey Bulger. Mata Hari. Bonus feature: Off the rail. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #99 WHO dunnit - The Classic Pinball Podcast
A New Year and a new microphone. Dave upgrades. We hope you notice the difference. Overview of Who dunnit. Dave’s Classic Pinball Tournament. Pilgrim payment: oysters. A walk through The Silverball Museum Delray Beach , FL. What’s up doc? Beer. Maureen joins us in a game of Who dunnit. Bonus feature: More old school 1980’s stories about Fun and Games in Framingham, MA.
- #98 6 Million $ Man - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Another Bally 6 Million Dollar Man is in for service. What’s up Doc? An email asking for a flipper recommendation. George has a list. Not that list! Dave’s Christmas songs: both new and old. They finally make it to the basement and play several games. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #97 Williams Phoenix - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave identifies the issue in a customers Phoenix and the fix needed. We discussed this initially in episode #95, Light the fuse. He then requires and buys a rare replacement part for the game. What’s up Doc? : topics include: 6 Million dollar man, Eldorado and Paragon. The guys go down to the basement for some Phoenix gameplay. Bonus feature: Fiberglass Kiss. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #96 Turkey and Bull - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George talk Turkey and Bull. No one is surprised. Holiday themed game: Turkey or not? Discussion and play on this episode features the pinball El Toro. (Now you get it?) Happy Thanksgiving! Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #95 Light the fuse - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave gives a preview into a game he is currently trying to bring back to life: Williams Phoenix. Listener suggested new segment. A bird story. Word. What’s up doc? Don’t move the game!Tales of woe.
- #94 Horror Show 2 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This is a first for Dave and George. They talk about Halloween and a bunch of games with a horror theme. Dave sneaks a questionable game into the mix. They review almost 20 games and then pick the games they like best. What’s up doc? Please join the boys on a Horrorfest like no other: The Classic Pinball Podcast. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #93 Long Time - The Classic Pinball Podcast
George and Dave share a cornucopia of stories and game fixes accumulated over the last month. They talk about the Bond girls instead of the game. ( sort of). A pinball from a famous band is picked up and lots of other topics discussed. Please join us for another Classic pinball podcast adventure. theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #92 Stern Ali - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Add another Classic Stern to the list: Ali. Dave and George review the game. Dave’s upcoming Warehouse Sale! Time to go to the basement and play a few games. theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- Breaking News Pintastic 2023 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Breaking News. New Pintastic dates and location for 2023. Dr Dave explains.theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com pintasticnewengland.com
- #91 Stern Flight 2000 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys continue to review Classic Stern titles with Flight 2000. An unexpected call from Bill Davis and a podcast promo. Dave continues with stories and adventures of pinball repair.
- #90.6 STARGAZER revisited - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This shorty or minisode was part of a multi game recording session. Dave suggested that we add to episode #6 Stargazer. He recently set the game up after 3 years of sitting, due to lack of room. Please join us in revisiting the game that was at the beginning of this podcast. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #90 Sega Harley Davidson - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave recently acquired this game and had some time to restore and potentially sell the game quickly. Then came the unsolicited call from a customer looking for a Sega game. Please join us as we review and then play this game with a unique story. theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #89 Gorgar - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode we explore the world of Gorgar. Can you hear the heartbeat? We continue with the new segment: What’s up Doc? Then we play the obligatory game or two to round out the podcast.
- #88 Stern Stars - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This episode features John Day, a friend and local restorer who built a customized Stern Stars. We talk about the installed arduino and Beehive Pinball alternative playfield. They then play a game. The second part of todays podcast starts at 38 minutes. George and Dave then discuss several topics: Stranger Things repair, Queen, Twilight Zone and Medieval Madness repairs. Bonus Feature: PJ phone call. theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #87 Post Pintastic 22 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys share some of the stories from this years Pintastic 2022 show. Seminars, signings, tournaments, Gettowind the pin, Jaws, Steve Ritchie, Herb Silvers, Creepy Golf and so much more. Please join us as we begin our fourth season. Almost forgot….The Best In Play winners!
- #86 Pintastic 2022 The Classic Pinball Podcast
This is a long episode. We talk about our Pintastic history, the upcoming show, and lots of other topics. Star Trek Next Generation and Williams repairs. A congratulations to Eric Stone. Please join us as we get ready for one of the largest pinball shows of the year.
- #85 Pinball Museum or HOF? - The Classic Pinball Podcast
George highlights his trip to Memphis and Gatlinburg Tennessee, then on to Asheville North Carolina. Pinball at every destination. The discussion turns to the Pinball Hall of Fame ( Pinball HOF) and a recent incident that occurred. They finally get to the upcoming Pintastic show and what they have planned. Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #84 Pinfest 2022 Allentown, PA - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys are in Allentown for Pinfest and talk about their experiences at the show. George and Dave appear on the Backhand pinball Twitch channel and do commentary on the tournament. They can be seen on the Saturday broadcast at time stamps 1:42:00 and 3:14:00. Video of Eric Stone can be seen on Eric’s Facebook page and WFLA.com where he is the weatherman. The guys can be reached at theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com.
- #83 Evel Knievel- The Classic Pinball Podcast
Lots of topics in the longest show we have ever recorded. Over anxious Dave trashes the opening. He finally finishes a game talked about for over a year. Do they jump the shark? Theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #82 Stiff Competition - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Please do not turn off the podcast because the intro includes some RUSH references. Dave and George start the podcast recording in the hotel at Pinbrewfest where it’s quiet except when Maureen ( Dave’s wife) turns on the hvac unit. We talk about some items that have nothing to do with Pinbrew but we eventually get there. The tournament talk starts about minute 16. Bonus Feature includes three different parts ( minute 47), Big Lebowski, large collector interview, then an interview with the Biker Brewhouse founder. I called it micro brew house. Not incorrect but not the business name. Thanks to all for their participation. If you would like to interface with us: theclassicpinballpodcast1@gmail.com
- #81 Data East Marilyn Playboy - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Tom Ceckitti joins Dave and George to discuss his Data East Playboy. It has a custom translite and playfield graphics that transforms it into a Marilyn Monroe tribute. He then tells us about his recent trip to the Texas Pinball Festival. George asks him to tell us about his experience at last years Pinbrewfest. We end with some tournament talk. ( we know how much you like it) WARNING! Bonus Feature: RUSH (Feedback from listeners suggest we tone down the Rush talk but Dave can’t help himself) George takes a few jabs at his recent acquisition.
- #80 RUSH delivery - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The boys go for a ride to pick up Rush. Dave breaks the distributors game. The unboxing. John (friend of show) talks about Rush, then explains the tech behind his hybrid Target Alpha. Dave finally gets to play his game.
- #79 RUSH to judgement - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave starts with Roadshow. Rolling Stones software mod. Dave takes a field trip to (friend of show) Johns house to make some plastics then plays and talks pinball. Another Dave did a clear coat podcast on twitch that is discussed. Finally we get to Rush.
- #78 Pinbrewfest 2022 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
We invite Keith Campanelli back to talk about Pinbrewfest 2022 happening on April 7th in Girard, Ohio. He tells us what’s back and what’s new in this years event.
- #77 Double Down? - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In celebration of todays release date “Twosday” Feb. 22, 2022. 2/22/22 is the direction of todays podcast: games with a follow up or two. Dave and George explore the pinball machines that have a follow up or second iteration. Please join them to discover the number of games that have been reprised. Bonus Feature: Dave teases George about the next customer game he has on the playfield rotisserie.
- #76 Bally Speakeasy - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys discuss and play the prohibition themed game.
- #75 Bally Rolling Stones - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode the guys review 1980 Bally Rolling Stones. There is a bunch of rock and roll talk and they finally get around to playing a couple of games. Bonus Feature: Mick on a ?
- #74 Bally KISS - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave was finally able to sell this game after Georges endless hawking in previous episodes. He starts to experience some sellers remorse. Please join us for another Classic pinball play and review.
- #73 Steve Ritchie F-Troop Flash+Firepower - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Gotcha! This episode is not about Sargent Agarn or Captain Parmenter, it’s the two games early in Steves career beginning with the letter F: Flash and Firepower. Double feature. Enjoy!
- #72 Fireball Classic - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George are back in the basement for a review of the Bally Midway game: Fireball Classic.
- #71 The OG - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The boys start the episode going old school with the original gangster. George gets his “Jersey” on and explores some New Jersey centric themes. Dave jumps the shark with Rush. The conversation flows into an attempted display repair. Dave then teases upcoming episodes of several Steve Ritchie games.
- #70 Holiday Hot Mess- The Classic Pinball Podcast
Merry Christmas one and all. This episode focuses on a list of items accumulated over the last month and some interesting stories focusing on people contacting Dave to purchase their pins. Show and tell: Daves latest rare pinball acquisition.
- #69 Best in play Pintastic 2021 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George interview several winners of ribbons at Pintastic. Goodfellas? Dave then takes the mic and has a round table with 3 other Dave’s. They both interview Brian, the 70’s solid state winner, who won for Evel Knievel. They continue the conversation with Brian as Dave leaves the recorder running with George being unaware, not surprised, and ambushed.
- #68 Silverball Rumble - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George play in the Silverball Rumble at Pintastic 2021. Follow their journey. You won’t believe what happens. Bonus Feature: An unexpected phone call from Eric Stone.
- #67 Fireball II - The Classic Pinball Podcast
It starts out great, then an interruption, a disruption and loss takes its toll on this episode. Explore the uniqueness of this particular one of a kind game. Our hope is to have someone tell us about the unique build and background of this Bally pinball machine. Bonus Feature: Pintastic ribbons.
- #66 Horror Show - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This is not a Halloween episode. Dave and George do talk about Elvira and some other holiday related topics. There are several items discussed relating to Pintastic, including their review of all the games to date that will be in the free play area. Please join Dave and George as they explore a multitude of chilling and cringe worthy subjects.
- #65 Meeting of the Minds - The Classic Pinball Podcast
When George can’t connect to finish the Voltan episode, Tommy continues to have a conversation with Dave about restorations, collections, location play among other topics.
- #64.1 Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George welcome Tommy Skinner from This Flippin Podcast to discuss his acquisition and restoration of this very rare Bally SS game.
- #63 Pintastic 2021 Preview - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George welcome David Marston, an executive with Pintastic pinball show, to talk about the upcoming event in Sturbridge, MA. from November 18-21, 2021. David has vast knowledge of the pinball and arcade business from an operator and event perspective. He begins with personal background and history followed by his business experience. Once he starts talking about arcades both Dave and George start reliving their youth.
- #62 Dale Jr. NASCAR - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys are back in the basement talking about the NASCAR pinball remake: Dale Jr.
- #61 Black Knight 2000 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode the guys start with “ the sheet”, which has 7 items for discussion. A review of Black Knight 2000 rounds out the episode. Bonus feature: a call to purchase a 1989 Black Knight 2000 t shirt and the full background song from the game.
- #60 Headache in a box? - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This episode starts with Georges sheet and ends with several repair stories from Dave.
- #59 Pinfest. Allentown, PA - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George talk about their experiences at the recently held 2021 Pinfest in Allentown PA. Bonus Feature: George interviews and discusses the potential sale of a NOS Fireball 2 playfield, owned by his friend Jack. One of the vendors at the show shares his thoughts on the playfield and how he ships backglasses.
- #58 Terminator 2 - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave finishes another customer game and he tells George about what he did to restore the game and how to play it. George plays the game for the first time and gives his opinions on the fun factor.
- #57 Silverball Mania - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys discuss and play Bally Silverball Mania.
- #56 Anniversary show - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys celebrate their second anniversary by talking about the past, present, and future of the podcast. Dave explains a World Cup soccer flipper replacement. Bonus feature: Fireball home model.
- #55 World Cup / Led Zep - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This episode focuses on World Cup by Williams. The guys talk about the origins of this game and then play three games. You can probably guess who ends up winning? Bonus Feature: George goes with Dave on a service call to repair a 2 month old Led Zepplin premium. The guys play a game with the owner after Dave is done fixing several issues. What happens next is no surprise to George but makes the customer do a double take.
- #54 Rollercoaster Tycoon - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George take their first road trip in almost 2 years. The destination is a new home being built on the shores of the biggest lake in New Hampshire. They are almost involved in a head on crash prior to reaching their destination. You might think that this episode is fabricated but you are listening to it as it happened. The first 30 minutes is their normal banter prior to playing 3 games to see who Is the king of the coasters. The remainder of the podcast is them playing the game. Who wears the crown? They both wish they had recorded this on video. It’s their first modern Stern pinball podcast and they face a tough decision: is this game a classic?
- #53 Eight Ball Champ - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys start with thoughts on the newest games: Mandolorian and Fathom. They then review Eight Ball Champ and play a few games. Bonus Feature: 4 Square by Gottlieb.
- #52 Gremlins - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George explore a wide variety of topics: Evel Knievel,American Pickers, Captains Auction, Twilight Zone, Star Trek Next Gen, pinflation, container games, Dave’s Adventures, Nunchuck Ping Pong, Pokerino, 3 Superman playfields, Silverball Mania, Eightball Champ, Gremlins, Bonus Feature: Pinball shows and rollercoasters
- #51 - The Pinball Asylum - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George interview, David Denholtz and Eric Stone, members of the Pinball Asylum. David is on the board of directors and Eric is a member. They discuss their first tournament of the year and background on the club. Dave then interviews Eric about his multi year run in pinball tournaments to reach the big event. Matt Malone who has engineered a home brew pinball called Dragon Ball Z enters the conversation and talks about his game and it’s development. Eric then gives some heartfelt thoughts about Norma Jennings and her battle with cancer. Bonus Feature: Eric discusses the world championship that is slated for November at The Pinball Asylum.
- #50 Pinbrewfest - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George welcome coproducer of the Ohio Pinbrewfest, Keith Campanelli. The show is scheduled to start on April 8, 2021. They talk about pinball, beer, tournaments, food trucks and all things related to the show. Please join us to learn about the first pinball show of the year in the USA. Bonus feature: How far?
- #49 The Amazing Spider-Man - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Another customer game comes through Dave’s shop and they get to talk about it and then play a few games.
- #48 Caribbean Cruise (Gottlieb) - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Dave and George don’t just talk about this rare Gottlieb guts pinball, they actually play a few games. It’s been several episodes since they have played a game during an episode. Bonus feature: The Sheet - SKI - Joe Pesci
- #47 Hot Doggin - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The boys give Bally Hot Doggin the once over. Church of the Silverball. Dave’s Cape Cod adventure. Star Wars episode 1, Jacks Open, Paragon, Adams Family, Mini Pool and Caribbean Cruise games are discussed. Fox cities / District 82. Pinball Asylum Tailgate. Bonus Feature: Where was that Jeepster?
- #46 Space Riders (Atari) - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave interviews a father and son team from Rochester NY who are big fans of our podcast and Dr. Dave's Pinball Restorations YouTube channel. Scott and his 11 year old son Griffin discuss their current collection and how they enjoy working on them to bring them back to like new condition. The pinball passion is on full display with Griffin talking pinball designers, dates and manufacturers. With young people like Griffin fully engaged in the hobby, there's no fear of pinball going away anytime soon! Also discussed is the generosity and knowledge of the late great Gottlieb System 80 guru Steve Charland who helped Scott and Griffin diagnose and repair some tough issues with games in their collection. Games currently in Scott and Griffin's collection featured this episode: Atari Space Riders, Gottlieb Funland, Bally Paragon, Williams Black Out
- #45 Bobby Orr Power Play - The Classic Pinball Podcast
BOPP review and restore. Monopoly, Wizard of Oz, Lord of the Rings, Captain Card day spa. Ron rant. Bonus Feature: Snowboard vs Wrestling.
- #44 Age of Machine - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George talk about the following games: Gorgar, Indiana Jones, Bad Cats, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Popeye, Twilight Zone. Bonus Feature: TWIPY home brews.
- #43 The 12 Days of Pinball - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode George does a reprise of the Xenon TV episode where he asks Dave to select one of 12 topics and then goes through the remainder. Stern sound board, Lucky Leo, Kangaroo, Do the twist, Future Proof, Beyond Playland, Led Zeppelin, Centaur, Captains Auction, Mech connectors, Cabinet, Year in review. Extras: Indiana Jones, Hot Doggin, Battlezone, X games.
- #42 Cirqus Voltaire - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode the guys review a game that Dave recently acquired and that George has never played. They are exploring and playing a game that is outside the late 70’s / early 80’s SS Bally, Stern and Williams arena. George explains to Dave how Adam Lefkoff lit this game up on a twitch video he watched from the Colorado Pinball Cooperative while trying to learn some of the game rules. They then proceed to play several games and try and navigate the rules. George names the ringmaster. Lots of fun. Come join the circus. Bonus feature: New Homepin products.
- #41 Playboy - The Classic Pinball Podcast
WARNING! The subject matter requires us to post a warning that some of the content contained in this episode might be offensive to some people. Bally Playboy 1978. History. The original Jersey Jack. CPR themes. Gameplay. Bonus feature: Top 4 production games. Captains Warehouse Auction.
- #40 Free Play Bar Arcade - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this podcast George and Dave interview the owner of Free Play Bar Arcade. We talk about his current location in Providence, Rhode Island and his soon to open location in Worcester, MA. This episode features talk about videos and pinballs. Bonus feature: Future plans for Free Play in Worcester.
- #39 Black Knight - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The boys are back in the basement with Black Knight. Bonus feature: GNFR and fighting for the quarter.
- #38 Nitro Ground Shaker - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode Dave and George talk about and then play Bally Nitro Ground Shaker. They are joined by Dave’s friend PJ and wife Maureen. There is also discussion about Stern SS games: Magic, Stingray and Trident. Bonus Feature: RAZA rant.
- #37 High Speed - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The guys start off in Dave’s basement playing a High Speed before it goes off to his customer. Dave tells me Eric Stone is calling him today. Dave and Eric talk High Speed and IFPA tournament rankings. Thank you. avengers. Old timers. Rock pins. Houston Arcade Show. Blues Brothers. Tech Tip - Lectronamo. Bonus Feature: Eric Stone and Dave talk Fathom.
- #36 The Jersey Shore - The Classic Pinball Podcast
In this episode George revisits his childhood by interviewing David Scarpa, the author of the book Beyond Playland. His family owned Playland arcade in North Lavallette NJ for almost 3 decades starting in 1957. The interview focuses primarily on the Arcade’s history and some of the Classic games from days gone by. There is very little pinball in this episode. They talk about the area and turn their attention to what happened to the games and how things have changed in the industry. Randy Senna (Randyland) purchased most of the older games and now has an arcade and soon to be museum in Wildwood, NJ featuring some of his collection. He also was featured in a Hoarders TV show and has numerous videos on YouTube. The discussion then turns to Seaside, Barnacle Bills, The Sawmill and Hurricane Sandy. If you grew up during this time vacationing in the area or curious how times have changed you will be entertained by his stories, views and perspective.
- #35 Xenon - The Classic Pinball Podcast
This is the first episode George and Dave have done face to face in 5 months. They record part of the segment playing Xenon in George’s game room and also record while sitting outside exploring a number of topics. George tells Dave about the comments made regarding his favorite game Fathom. Bally spinners are revisited. George tells Dave he’s recorded an episode about his arcade growing up in Lavallette, NJ called Playland. They then move to Dave s latest acquisition: Paragon. Dave discusses Williams and System 1 replacement boards. George calls out all podcasters except one. Conversation then turns to the Captains Warehouse auction that took place on August 21 and 22nd. Meteor sounds like Hot Doggin? Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Fiberglass playfields again.
- #34 Spinner - spinner, chicken dinner
George listens to Keith, Martin and Jeff talk 9 ball. George has questions for Dave about spinners on 9 ball and Stargazer. Other Bally and Stern spinners are discussed. Joe Lemire buys Ice Fever. Kings of Steel, Nitro Groundshaker, High Speed, Gottlieb Spider-Man are all discussed. Bonus feature: Bally
- #33 Jaws?
Telling Fish Tales. Dave’s New York trip. We discuss the following games: Eight Ball. Macgyver fixes Fish Tales, Ice Fever, Black Knight, Indiana Jones, Circus Voltaire, Hot Hand, Split Second, Gorgar. Titletown pinball is now District 82. Zach Meny? New Segment: Dear Doctor Dave. Bonus Feature: EM gun game - Crooks Saloon.
- #32 Flash Gordon - The Classic Pinball Podcast
The first half of the show is about pinball. The second half is out and about with Dave. Part 1: Bowen. Kaneda. Flash Gordon. Sam Jones. Future Spa. Meteor. Part 2: Gottlieb New York. New York Trippin. Home Depot excursion. Fast and Furious. Bonus Feature.
- #31 Paragon - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Definition of Paragon. Designer. Artist. Supersize. Funky Worm. Fire. Rollercoaster. Brazilian bottom. Italian bottom. Game play. Tongue talk. The Wiggler. Dave is published. Paragon highlights. Flipper shots. Pinball buys? Playfield reproduction. Allentown. Kentucky Derby. Bonus Feature. Quarantopia.
- #30 Harlem Globetrotters - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Artist and Designer. Rolling Stones. Chuck Webster. Sonic the Hedgehog. Harlem restoration. Harlem gameplay. Paragon fix. Extra ball or Twack! Harlem set-up. Do you Remember? Harlem cartoon. Curley Neal tribute. WWOS. Chuck Webster revisted: Ted Nugent. Classic Stern sounds. Gottlieb New York. Another interview. PSA.
- #29 East Bound and Down - Mission:Target Alpha - The Classic Pinball Podcast
My how things have changed.....This episode starts with Dave delivering a Target Alpha to his friend and restaurant owner PJ. We talk about pinball but the news of the day creeps in from time to time. The conversation finds us talking about Night Rider and raspberry pi. Oh no....Twilight Zone? What’s in the shop?
- #28 You’re Out! - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Tournament party at Dave’s. First up Twilight Zone. Brink of elimination for Dave on Flight 2000. George and John talk Xenon. New guy Mike talks about all his cheap games. Recording quality again? Surprise call from Eric Stone at Pinmasters. Did someone say Antarctica?
- #27 Gameroom Setup Day - The Classic Pinball Podcast
Setting up PJ’s Gameroom. The lineup. Big ball bowler. Candlepin and Duckpin bowling. A new voice: John and Kingpin. Classic Sterns and Bally games. Meteor reaction. Dave’s new game lineup: Flash Gordon?Twilight Zone again: The clock fix.